Film & Film Wrapping

Film&Film (F&F) wrapping is an innovative dual wrapping method, which combines the use of balewrap and netwrap replacement film.

Net Replacement film provides a high-strength wrapping solution for film on film applications. The high holding force of NRF in the F&F wrapping system maintains the pressure that has been applied during baling.

Trials undertaken found that F&F bales were on average 2cm smaller in circumference than traditional netted bales.This may not sound like much, but reducing the bale diameter from 128cm to 126cm increases the bale density by over 8 per cent

Film on film technology expels the air early in the wrapping process. The wrapping process also means there are often more than eight layers of plastic around the bale, making it difficult for air to penetrate, which reduce silage losses by reducing mould growth and no baled fodder can become enmeshed in it. This improves silage quality and storage life.

So if you want higher quality silage in easier-to-handle bales, as well as increased feed protection, consider switching to net replacement film.


  • Superior oxygen barrier

Springfilm™ net wrap replacement film holds bales tighter than net thus reducing air ingress after the bale is released from the baler. Secondly, it further compresses and effectively covers the bale right to the edge, this creates a more effective oxygen barrier,  with less oxygen creeping into the bales, leading to better fermentation and improves silage quality.

  • Removed easily

Springfilm™ net replacement film production from the same raw material as balewrap means there’s no need to separate net and film when opening bales. So, it can be removed easily, 100% recycled and without leaving any residue.This reduces feeding time.

  • Efficiency

This latest advance in agricultural technology will make your silage production more efficient. More bales per reel, less stops in the field and less reel changes increase the efficiency while due to lower thickness, less material is used per bale and by that the environmental impact is reduced.

  • Improve silage quality

Mould reduces silage quality. Net replacement film provides an air barrier, that helps to prevent the growth of white mould. As a result quality is improved. Milk, beef or lamb production increases per bale leading to more profitable farming.

  • Safety

With the Springfilm™ NRF, net pieces left behind in the feed and thus sources of danger are a matter of the past. it acts twice as safely for the livestock.

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